Be YOU and The Love Shines Through
We don’t have to change to fit into a Mummy ‘mould’... what shape would it be? How can we all squeeze ourselves into a ‘one size fits all’?
Some of us are organised and patient and well prepared.. some of us are haphazard, slightly manic and leave everything to the last minute. But that’s ok. We do our best and the world will keep on turning, we need to just accept ourselves and adapt our lives accordingly.
I like to think I’m organised, but I always think I’ve got more time than I have, and everyone is lulled into a false sense of calm. So, when I realise I have 5 minutes and not 15, I start barking orders at the kids and running around like a loony shouting ‘put your shoes on NOW we’ve got to go NOW....’ and small people are wandering around startled and lost like baby rabbits looking for shoes and still eating toast.
Something to work on perhaps!
But I also play breadsticks like a recorder, pull silly faces at the kids in my rear view mirror and sing songs at bedtime, and they know they are loved and cared for. We don’t have to fit into a mould or be any better than we are, we just have to be US.
Be YOU and the love shines through 😊